Eggplant in Fish Sauce Stirfry

Eggplant in fish sauce is a delicious and highly rich in nutrients recipes that is good for the family

Stirfry Recipe: Eggplant in Fish Sauce
1 tablespoon salt
3 cups water
1 long purple eggplant
1 tablespoon sugar
3 tablespoons fish sauce
1 chopped chili
1 tablespoon oil
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
1 egg
chopped cilantro for garnish

In a bowl, dissolve salt into water. Chop eggplant into bite size pieces and add into salt water for 5 minutes. In a small bowl, add sugar and fish sauce and chili. Mix to dissolve sugar. In a wok over high heat, add oil and garlic. Stir until garlic is crisp. Drain water from chopped eggplant and add to wok. Stirfry for 1 minute. Add the sugar, fish sauce and chili mixture. Stirfry for 1 minute. Crack the egg into wok and stirfry for 1 minute. Serve immediately and garnish with chopped cilantro.

Serve with sticky rice or khao chow and the Classic Thai / Lao Hot Sauce.


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