
Showing posts from November, 2007

Phat thai/fried thai noodle

As somebody who knows there way around an Asian kitchen and has cooked professionally. Sometimes it is hard to give the exact quantities of ingredients for Asian recipes. The reasons for this is that the flavours of the ingredients will not be the same each time, resulting in that you may need more or less depending on the season, and/or how long the ingredients has been stored for.if you can, it is a good idea to smell and sample the freshness of the ingredients before use if you can. It will help your cooking become more consistent in flavour. Watching an Asian person cook, compared to a Western cook, the Asian cook seems to be more intuitive, not requiring a written recipe, unlike the western cook. I believe this is a result of Asian children learning to cook at a very young age, both males and females. This gives them the confidence to be able to make a dish without using any exact measurements of the ingredients used. Some days the spoonfuls are bigger or smaller depending o

Stirfried pineapple

Eating pineapple is not the same experience in Australia,as it is in Asia. Asian pineapple seems to be much sweeter, and not as hard as the Australian varieties. This is a good recipe for Australian pineapple as the added sugar gives the pineapple a caramelized flavour, and the butter adds a nice creaminess. You could double the quantities for the sauce and use this to drizzle it over the ice cream if used. Ingredients 1 pineapple with the skin removed and the eyes cut out. 50 g butter. 1 teaspoon desiccated coconut. 4 tablespoons grated palm sugar. 4 tablespoons fresh lime juice. Ice cream to serve if desired. Method Slice the pineapple in half lengthwise and remove the woody core.cut the pineapple flesh into 2 cm wedges. Dry fry the desiccated coconut in a small fry pan until browned, remove from the heat and set aside. Heat the butter in a large wok, taking care not to burn the butter. When it has just melted at the pineapple wedges and cook either a medium heat for around tw

Asparagus stirfry

It is asparagus season at the moment. It has not been the best this year as a result of drought. However good asparagus can still be found. As a child I was led to believe that asparagus was always a dull green under cooked vegetable. It was nice as an adult to actually find out that I like this vegetable.Cooking the asparagus in a wok this way helps retain the crunchy characteristics of the asparagus. Ingredients 350 g asparagus stalks 2 cloves garlic, crushed 2.5 cm piece fresh galangal , finely shredded 1 fresh red chilli , seeded and finely chopped 1 teaspoon sesame seeds,toasted 1 tablespoon fish sauce 1 tablespoon light soy sauce 3 tablespoons water 1 teaspoon palm sugar or brown sugar Method Bend and snap the asparagus stalks. They will naturally snap at the junction between the woody and tender section. Throw away the woody section. In a hot wok heat 2 tablespoons of oil and quickly stir-fry the garlic, sesame seeds and galangal , until the garlic is just beginning to c

Fermented pork sausage/sai grop brio

Initially this was a type of northern charcuterie , but it has spread through the rest of the country with the migration of people from the North East seeking work. This sausage can be eaten fresh or it can be left to hang for a few days to be fermented. The longer you leave the sausage, the more sour it becomes. This dish is not really a meal as such but can be found on the table as a side dish, or can be eaten with alcohol. Ingredients 500 g pork belly, with skin removed but the fat retained, minced as finely as you can using a knife. 300 g cooked rice 100 g garlic chopped finely 5 coriander root scraped clean, chopped finely 2 tablespoons salt One to two tablespoons fish sauce 2 metre sausage casing, washed clean under cold water Method In a mortar and pestle if you have one pound the garlic and coriander roots with the salt to a paste, or combine in a food processor. Add the rice to the paste and pound/combine. If using a food processor be careful not to over mix as this can cause